Years ago I was given a hard copy of this book of comic strips, Get Your War On, which was debuted by 23/6 in animation yesterday. [Obviously my embedding skills are currently on the lower end of the learning curve. Someone help, I tried readjusting the width and height in the html, but it cropped the video rather than resizing it.]
One of the projects I’m working on within the Vietnamese Community Outreach efforts of the Asian Liver Center is a collaboration with Single Asian Female to introduce the recurring subject of hepatitis B in her comic strips. We are working to syndicate the Single Asian Female comic in Vietnamese newspapers, but now, in addition, this would be a novel way to present it online and on our YouTube nonprofit channel (soon to be up and running).
By the way, John Kricfalusi, creator of Ren and Stimpy, was the first to work with Flash as a cartoon medium. And, by the way, he did my portrait.